
Plogue bidule rewire reason
Plogue bidule rewire reason

Use Plogue Bidule to host your VST instruments, and connect Bidule to Logic via ReWire.

plogue bidule rewire reason plogue bidule rewire reason

Acknowledgements 14.To get the most out of your investment in Logic, you have another option which I forgot to mention yesterday: OSC/Open Sound Control What is OSC? OSC Server Implementation OSC Client Implementation What can I do with OSC? 13. Presets support Presets VST Presets Preset Buttons Saving VST Presets AU Presets Preset Buttons Group/bidule Presets Preset Buttons Creating Default Bidule Presets Automating Presets 10. Building Synthesizer Groups Making a voice Group Polyphonic Adapter Advanced Polyphonic synth topics 9.

plogue bidule rewire reason

Groups Creating a new group Creating a new group from a selection of bidules and links Group navigation Exporting group parameters Editing group properties Saving Groups Group Manager Group Submenu 8. VST and VSTi support Input/outputs configurations Tempo Sync Plugins availability VST banks and parameters vs MIDI CCs and program changes VST errors reported by Bidule Yet to be implemented VST Features 7.

plogue bidule rewire reason

Bidules Audio File bidules Audio Buffer Boboche Looper Granulator Looper Player Recorder Effects bidules Buffer Granulator Deconcrisseur Dither Moog VCF Time Domain Convolver Instrument bidules Boboche Sampler MIDI bidules Arpeggiator Buffer Buffer (Synced) CC Latch CC Splitter CC To Params CC Value Scaler MIDI Delay MIDI Delay (Synced) Aftertouch Filter Aftertouch Pressure Filter CC Filter CC Value Filter Channel Filter Channel Pressure Filter Channel Pressure Pressure Filter Comparison Filter Message Filter Misc Sysex Filter Note Filter Note Velocity Filter Program Change Filter Pitchbend Value Filter Key Switch MIDI Clock To Sync MIDI To Value NRPN To Params Note Latch Note Number To Param Note On To Value List Note Shuffler Note Splitter Note Velocity To Params Particle Arpeggiator Program Change To Params RPN To Params MIDI Remappers bidules Splitter Step Sequencer Sync to MIDI Clock MIDI Transposers bidules Velocity Scaler MIDI File bidules MIDI File Looper MIDI File Player MIDI File Recorder Misc bidules Audio Dummy Clock Comment HID Data Extractor Key Sender Key Stroke Matrix Sequencer MIDI Dummy Sync Transport Variables Multi Wave Folder XY Mixing bidules Crossfader Fadercross Gain Mono Mixers Stereo Mixers Pan Stereo Squeezer Continuous Surround Panner Mono ITU Mixers Modulation bidules Parameter Modulator (Absolute) Parameter Modulator (relative) Monitoring bidules Audio Monitor Audio Stats Audio Value Display Frequency Value Display Level Meter Magnitude Value Display MIDI Value Display MIDI Monitor MIDI Monitor 2 WaveViewer Routing bidules Audio Matrix Audio Switcher Input Selector MIDI Matrix MIDI Switcher MIDI Switcher 2 ports Output Selector Spectral bidules Bin Delay Bin Delay (wrong) Cherizer Crossfader FFT File Looper Freeze Frequency Graph Graph Analyzer Graph EQ Inverter Magnitude Pitch Scaler Resynthesizer Spectral To Loudest Freq/Amp Spectral To MIDI Sustain iFFT Devices MIDI Device Audio Device Building Blocks Audio File Delay Line Envelopes Filters Gate Gate Clock MIDI Map Math Crossfader (Basic) Multi-tap Delay OSC Oscillators Sample And Hold Sanitizer Smoother Stack Sync Creator Sync Extractor Trigger Trigger Clock 5. Synchronizing tempo and musical position between modules 4. User Interface Palette Bidules Find Next Use Next History Patchbay Modules (aka 'bidules') Connectors Basic Bidules Connections Advanced Bidules Connections Context Menu Mouse Usage and Hot Keys Toolbar Features Parent (Go up a level) Parameters MediaPool Palette On/Off Preferences User Interface VST AU Disk I/O DSP MIDI Main menu/Menubar File Menu Edit Menu Tools Menu Bidules Toolbar Presets Parameter Properties Dialog Parameter Locking Dialog 3.

Plogue bidule rewire reason